St. Patrick's Day 2020: Different than the rest...

On a normal St. Patrick's Day, people would be celebrating, drinking beer, going to German restaurants, seeing parades, but this year, no...

Not even close...

This year, people are staying home, watching tv, everyone's out of school, and everyone's quiet... All due to a MICROSCOPIC thing called the CORONAVIRUS, which has been advertised WAY TOO MUCH...

This video is just me talking about today, and all that...

By the way, we are at 29 FOLLOWERS. Just ONE more to 30! If you so happily, kindly follow me here on the MEDIA at, that would make my day very lucky, and be the ONE four leaf clover that I need on this day dedicated to luck. Cocomelon hit 76 MILLION on YouTube today, a milestone on St. Patrick's Day. If we could hit a milestone here too, it would be great. Sure, 76 MILLION is a lot more than 30, but 30 is a good enough milestone for me. It would make my day so proud, and I can't help but thank you all for getting me to 29 followers. And maybe 30. Thanks, and have a very lucky and TOTALLY AWESOMEST day!



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